Friday, June 17, 2016

Nine Months of Thoughtful Reflection

Zechariah got shocking news. His old age was about to be turned upside down. His wife Elizabeth would soon have a son. It was a culture where being barren was looked down upon. Now an angel was telling him his prayer was answered.  They would have a son. His moment of doubt cost him his voice and maybe his hearing. He had nine months to think, ponder, and reflect.

He let Elizabeth know the baby would be named John.
He watched as Elizabeth's relative Mary came and told her own astonishing news.
He watched. He thought. He prayed.

Nine months later his voice was restored and he was filled with the Holy Spirit.
His chains of doubt were broken and replaced by a prophecy. I like the way the New Living Translation puts it. "He has sent us a mighty Savior." Other translations say "He has raised up a horn of salvation." (Luke 1:69) Salvation was no longer something to look forward to in the future. Salvation had come. Zechariah got it. Despite the fact, Mary had not given birth.  Despite the fact, that it would be about three months before Jesus would be born in Bethlehem. Salvation was now.

Salvation has come.

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